Conte-nos sobre seu projeto

Obrigado por seu interesse em contratar NESsT para ajudá-lo a criar um impacto social estratégico em sua comunidade. Informe um pouco sobre seu projeto à nossa equipe de consultoria. 

Select start-up if you are focused on creating a blueprint for the business. Choose validate if your enterprise is operating but still testing and refining its business model. Choose prepare to scale if your enterprise is attempting to grow a validated product/service and business model. Select scale if your enterprise is expanding to serve new beneficiaries, offer additional products/services and/or serve new geographies.

Choose Labor Inclusion if your business focuses on employment creation, training and placement. Choose Sustainable Income if your business focuses on including marginalized communities in the supply chain or selling products. Sustainable Income also should be selected if your business model enables marginalized communities to earn income that can sustain their families (via means other than direct employment).