
Why an Inclusive Definition of the Bioeconomy Matters for Financing Amazon Enterprises

Why an Inclusive Definition of the Bioeconomy Matters for Financing Amazon Enterprises

NESsT’s recent study and extensive research identifies that the term ‘bioeconomy’ is often broadly interpreted by bioeconomy funders and global policymakers, sometimes straying far from a vision of environmental stewardship. We interviewed Indigenous leaders and entrepreneurs as part of ongoing efforts to deepen our understanding of their perspectives, vision and expectations of the bioeconomy as not just as an economic model, but as a way of life rooted deeply in ancestral tradition.  

Summary Blog: NESsT's Pledge to Invest $6M into Amazon Conservation

Summary Blog: NESsT's Pledge to Invest $6M into Amazon Conservation

At COP16, NESsT reinforced its ongoing commitment to improving access to funding for locally-led bioeconomy initiatives in the Amazon. This work, including its plans to invest $6 million in seed-stage financing through 2025 to support these efforts, was recently featured in Carbon Pulse.

The Methods Behind NESsT’s Study to Bring Local Perspectives to Bioeconomy Financing Discussions

The Methods Behind NESsT’s Study to Bring Local Perspectives to Bioeconomy Financing Discussions

This blog delves into the methodology behind NESsT’s publication to improve the targeting, accessibility, efficacy, and efficiency of investments in the Amazon bioeconomy; it homes in on NESsT’s firm intention to bring local voices to global discussions around Amazon bioeconomy funding and explores how NESsT anchored the publication in authentic narratives and diverse Amazonian contexts while tailoring the message for the international financing community.

NESsT Lirio Fund Expands into Brazil to Further its Efforts to Enhance Livelihoods and Sustainable Development in Latin America

NESsT Lirio Fund Expands into Brazil to Further its Efforts to Enhance Livelihoods and Sustainable Development in Latin America

As part of its ongoing commitment to address the pressing challenges faced by entrepreneurs in Latin America, particularly in the Andes-Amazon region, the NESsT Lirio Fund is expanding its reach into Brazil. The fund is investing in small and medium-sized enterprises that create dignified income opportunities and improve local livelihoods while contributing to environmental conservation.

Como a NESsT está refinando sua medição e gerenciamento de impacto para capturar o impacto regenerativo e de gênero além dos números na Amazônia

How NESsT is refining its impact measurement and management to capture gender and regenerative impact beyond numbers in the Amazon

NESsT tem um portfólio de 50 empresas sediadas na Amazônia. Nos últimos cinco anos, os gerentes de portfólio da NESsT trabalharam em estreita colaboração com essas empresas para monitorar, medir e aumentar seu impacto. Recentemente, a NESsT procurou desenvolver métodos mais detalhados para entender a cultura e o contexto dos dados que coleta, especificamente para empresas na Amazônia.

Apoio ao empoderamento das mulheres Xikrin do Bacajá: Ampliação de suas vozes por meio de uma nova linha de produtos artesanais

Supporting the empowerment of Xikrin do Bacajá women: Amplifying their voices through a new line of artisan products

A Associação Bebô Xirin do Bacajá (ABEX) é uma associação liderada por indígenas que participou do projeto Direitos e Recursos Indígenas da Amazônia (AIRR), lançado em 2021 para apoiar as populações indígenas a se tornarem atores mais visíveis e ativos na economia amazônica, de forma a conservar a biodiversidade da floresta tropical e construir resiliência ambiental.

NESsT Dá as boas-vindas à empresa de afroturismo Diaspora.Black em seu portfólio de igualdade racial no Brasil

NESsT Welcomes Afrotourism Enterprise Diaspora.Black into its Racial Equity Portfolio in Brazil

A Diaspora.Black, uma empresa social do setor de turismo e eventos, junta-se à Iniciativa de Equidade Racial do site NESsT . Com o investimento da NESsT, a Diaspora.Black oferecerá treinamento e financiamento a afro-empreendedores locais, promovendo uma comunidade dedicada à expansão de rotas turísticas que tragam mais visibilidade à história e à cultura dos afro-brasileiros.