Em um relance
Localização: Colômbia
Áreas de impacto: Inclusão Trabalhista, Meio Ambiente, Renda Sustentável
Pessoas Apoiadas:
Agricultores de Pequena Escala, Rurais
Ingressou no NESsT Portfólio:
Visão geral
Agrosolidaria vende produtos agrícolas e cosméticos fabricados a partir de plantas da Amazônia cultivadas de forma sustentável. O imenso bioma da floresta amazônica abriga 80.000 espécies de plantas que proporcionam benefícios imensuráveis para nossos sistemas alimentares e para a saúde, possuindo chaves para novos medicamentos, biocosméticos, pigmentos naturais, fragrâncias naturais, óleos essenciais e muito mais. De acordo com as Nações Unidas, a demanda por produtos ambientalmente sustentáveis e baseados na biodiversidade deverá triplicar até 2030.
Agrosolidaria was founded in the Colombian Amazon basin by 12 associations representing more than 250 small farming families. The majority of these families were victims of the Colombian conflict and producers of coca, as the only means of livelihoods. The enterprise has transitioned these farmers to products made from sacha inchi, a plant that produces seeds rich in omega-3, protein, and vitamin E. It operates the largest processing plant in the Colombian Amazon region with the capacity to source and distribute sacha inchi, but also other biodiversity products such as Castaño, Copoazu, Araza, Açai, and Amazonian pineapple, among others.
With the opening of its processing plant in 2017, Agrosolidaria expanded the benefits of biodiverse products to the local market, including local fairs and events, doubling its sales which in turn translated into higher incomes for farmers. The plan was to expand these sales to both national and global markets.
Resultados & Impacto
vidas melhoradas
os agricultores apoiados são mulheres
aumento da renda dos pequenos agricultores
“Agrosolidaria Florencia works hand in hand with 250 families made up of victims of the Colombian armed conflict and small farmers. We seek to develop sustainable productive practices in our value chains that use non-timber forest products.”
NESsT Investimento
Over the course of the pandemic, Agrosolidaria was forced to reduce sales of products through retail channels due to lockdowns. NESsT and IKEA Social Entrepreneurship invested in the enterprise at this critical stage to help it launch its e-commerce sales channels.
Como parte de sua estratégia de comércio eletrônico, Agrosolidaria apoiará os pequenos agricultores e membros da cooperativa a terem acesso a margens mais altas, vendendo seus produtos de valor agregado diretamente aos consumidores. Além de disponibilizar seus produtos online, Agrosolidaria está ansiosa para construir parcerias comerciais com varejistas globais de cosméticos e alimentos, redes de supermercados e mercearias para que possa disponibilizar lanches saudáveis e de fonte sustentável em todo o país.
As Agrosolidaria expands the ease at which health-conscious consumers can enjoy their products, NESsT and IKEA Social Entrepreneurship will help the enterprise to evolve its branding, communications, and customer experience to become a trusted brand for responsibly sourced Amazonian products that support indigenous communities. It will also support the organization to transition its operational side to meet scaling demands.